A full second-hand look. Old clothes are great! (photo by John Novotny)
Have you seen my new video in partnership with Goodwill? If not, you can find it here.
I was so excited when I got an email a couple months ago about a potential opportunity with the organization. I've been shopping and donating to Goodwill for years. It's where I've found some of the best pieces in my wardrobe!
What a lot of people don't know about Goodwill:
⭐️ Goodwill is a global services enterprise and the leading nonprofit provider of job training programs and career services in the United States and Canada.
⭐️ To pay for these programs, Goodwill sells YOUR donated clothes and household items in stores and on shopgoodwill.com.
⭐️In 2015, Goodwill served 37 million people and helped 312,000 people earn jobs. Your donations make a difference!
In addition to all of that, there are many environmental and ethical benefits of shopping secondhand.
Ever think about who made your clothes? Or the process it took to get that $5 shirt from H&M?
Maybe you should.
Did you ever here about the Rana Plaza disaster?

In 2013 1,135 people were killed at the garment factory collapse. These people were working in extremely unsafe and unsanitary conditions, making a non-livable wage- all to make cheap clothes for US.
These conditions aren't uncommon. For more information, I recommend watching the documentary The True Cost. Find it on netflix.
Shopping at stores like H&M and Forever 21 has given many of us a "wear a season and get rid of it" mindset. We must make sure to donate these clothes. They can't end up in a landfill!
Find your nearest Goodwill donation center here.